Are property prices set to crash? Should you jump on board the fintok craze? And how to prepare for this tax time
On this episode of The Nestegg Podcast, host Maja Garaca Djurdjevic and three experts discuss the property price movements, fintok and finfluencers, and tax time.
Steve Waters, director of Right Property Group, chats about the resilience of the property market in Victoria, where another lockdown is currently in place, as well as Westpac’s latest surprising predictions for property price movements.
RMIT’s senior lecturer of finance, Dr. Angel Zhong, reveals the rise of fintok and finfluencers and the dangers social media presents to financial markets.
And lastly, tax and super guru Timothy Munro talks about tax time. He reveals what Aussies need to be mindful of as we head towards 30 June, and why some should look at engaging a professional this tax time.