EP 79: 5 Things To Solidify Your Position in 2022

In this Episode, Steve Waters and Victor Kumar from Right Property Group discuss the top 5 things you need to do to solidify your position in 2022.

2022 might just be the most dynamic year from the federal elections, the changes and movement in the cost of funding, media, consumers, as well as the resources on where and who to listen to regarding property advice, and many more elements can either make or break your portfolio.

As the market evolves, and your goals change, these 5 major things can keep you in the momentum this year, or ever.


1. Get Liquid

2. Review and Recess

3. Finance

4. White Noise

5. Execute

It may sound simple and easy to do, but the amount of progress in following these tips can make a big difference and impact your overall property journey.

2022 will be a huge year with all the moving parts, and if you don’t change your approach, you’ll be left behind.

So, tune in to know more about how you can be in a position to take advantage of today’s market and be equipped to pivot your strategy against any circumstance on this podcast.